Cut in a woman’s hair

Cut in a woman's hair

Plenty of barber stores are springing up in the grobstadt area. Heiko jaksch from euerdorf has something ahead of this trend to the manners salon. Since 1990, the 51-year-old has been working exclusively on men's hair in euerdorf.

The choice of his profession, which is more of a woman's dream, was born in his cradle. The salon has been run by the family for four generations. Even urope was a barber in the past. Heiko jaksch took over the jaksch salon ten years ago. The boss unfolds in the men's section of the salon. The women's section is firmly in women's hands. Eight hairdressers style the customers there, four of them full-time and one trainee.

The middle school is being renovated at a cost of millions of euros

A lot of money will have to be invested in the partial renovation of the ebern secondary school between 2019 and 2023, especially in the building services, fire alarm systems and electrical installations. This was decided by the school association meeting chaired by ebern mayor jurgen hennemann (SPD) on wednesday in the middle school.

"For years, rehabilitation steps have been planned and we initially talked about a sum of 70 000 euros. This became 900,000 euros, and now at today’s important meeting we are at an investment sum of 3,266,800 euros", said jurgen hennemann. A grant of two million euros is expected.

Feminine spots should become less

The company vodafone will in future supply a further 5,000 residents and guests in the kulmbach district with the mobile broadband technology LTE in its mobile radio network. To this end, the dusseldorf-based company has put an LTE station into operation in mainleus, thus simultaneously launching the further expansion program for the district. Technology enables cell phone voice "in crystal clear quality and broadband internet on the go", according to a vodafone press release.

Thanks to LTE, users can, for example, download HD movies at lightning speed, enjoy top-quality music videos and watch live broadcasts of major cultural and sporting events in HD quality on their smartphones or tablets while on the move. According to vodafone, LTE is now a real fixed-network alternative to copper-based DSL lines for many households in the region. The new LTE coverage will also bring a significant improvement in competitiveness for hotels, guesthouses and small and medium-sized businesses in the kulmbach district "because a strong network infrastructure is the decisive raw material for growth, jobs and prosperity in the region in the digital age".

Pirate sues against gema distribution

So far, music publishers have received 33 to 40 percent of the royalties, the suit says. "At the end of the day, these royalties belong to the creators," says kramm.

With the lawsuit, which his lawyer filed with the berlin district court on monday, kramm wants to set a precedent for other artists. The lawsuit has not yet been served on gema, a spokeswoman for the collecting society said. Therefore, it could not give any information on the allegations made.

“To the 100. On the occasion of the 50th birthday, everyone should come back”

Hemhofen- her 95. Emma zepf, nee kayl, celebrated her birthday with her two daughters on saturday at the senior citizens’ domicile haus heinrich in hemhofen. Mayor ludwig nagel (CSU) also came to congratulate her with a gift and a certificate.

Born in franzensbad

The jubilarian is 18 years old. July 1923 born in franzensbad as the youngest daughter of a railwayman. There she grew up and attended elementary and secondary school. She had another brother and a sister, but they are already deceased. Later she worked as a telephone operator for the railroad company.

The fire department neuenmarkt gets a new vehicle

the fire department neuenmarkt gets a new vehicle

The procurement of a fire engine 20 (HLF 20 for short) for the neuenmarkt fire department was unanimously approved by the town council on monday evening. It takes place in the course of a collective order with the neighboring municipality of himmelkron. This would increase the state subsidy, as mayor siegfried decker (NG) indicated, to 1,365,000 euros. The municipality of neuenmarkt expects a district subsidy of 29,750 euros from the district of kulmbach, so that the municipality will have to bear its own share of 267,145 euros. The 2018 budget includes 100,000 euros in start-up funding, with the remaining costs due in 2019. The delivery of the vehicle is scheduled for the first quarter of 2020. Mayor decker: "we need our fire departments and must ensure that they are properly equipped."

The community council had neither suggestions nor objections to the urban land use planning of the market town of ludwigschorgast. It concerns the special area "solar park ludwigschorgast, which is to be built about 700 meters southeast of ludwigschorgast between the B 303 and the railroad line. This is also connected with a change in the land use plan.

Ottfried fischer:munich is going down the drain

Ottfried fischer:munich is going down the drain

Cabaret artist and actor ottfried fischer (64, "der bulle von tolz") doesn’t miss munich one bit. For the past year, he has been living in passau, where he inherited his grandparents’ townhouse and had it renovated.

In his view, the state capital is not developing to its advantage. "When i meet munich people, the first thing i find out is which pub is going to close again."

Stamm-fibich chairs committee

Stamm-fibich chairs committee

On wednesday, the members of the petitions committee in the german parliament elected erlangen deputy martina stamm-fibich ( SPD ) as their new chairwoman. Stamm-fibich has been a member of the petitions committee since 2013, taking over from marion wendt (CDU) as head of the committee.

"The new coalition will make the petition system stronger and further digitalize it. We will ensure that public petitions are discussed in the committees and in the plenum in the future. With the public deliberation in the plenum, we are enhancing the petition system enormously," says stamm-fibich.

Saddle party: it is cycled again

Andreas losch

You can rely on it – as soon as winter closes in and the first sunny, warm days make a gray, cold franconia temporarily a thing of the past, they turn out: the cyclists. The habberge district, with its beautiful landscape, is a particularly popular destination for extensive tours.
So it was not difficult at all to find cyclists for this article. For this, the reporter only had to stand in front of the editorial office, because someone always cycles through zeil. But that would be too easy, so the frankischer tag took up position on the cycle path between sand am main and limbach and lo and behold: not a minute's wait and hermann and silvia kraub come cycling up.
The couple from trunstadt kindly let themselves be put out of step and answered the frankischer tag's questions. More often on the road by bike? "Yes, we ride as often as we can, preferably daily", says hermann kraub. 20 to 30 kilometers are then usually the goal. They like the cycle paths along the mains best: gentle, flat stretches, great nature – you can get there easily and still enjoy the landscape and the fresh air. The bike paths there are, according to hermann kraub, "quite good expanded.
He and his wife found their way around easily, the signposts were reliable and provided the right orientation. They put up with the fact that they have to use the normal county and state roads from time to time: that's not a problem for the couple, but it would certainly be desirable, especially for families with small children, for the bike paths to be expanded further.