Feminine spots should become less

The company vodafone will in future supply a further 5,000 residents and guests in the kulmbach district with the mobile broadband technology LTE in its mobile radio network. To this end, the dusseldorf-based company has put an LTE station into operation in mainleus, thus simultaneously launching the further expansion program for the district. Technology enables cell phone voice "in crystal clear quality and broadband internet on the go", according to a vodafone press release.

Thanks to LTE, users can, for example, download HD movies at lightning speed, enjoy top-quality music videos and watch live broadcasts of major cultural and sporting events in HD quality on their smartphones or tablets while on the move. According to vodafone, LTE is now a real fixed-network alternative to copper-based DSL lines for many households in the region. The new LTE coverage will also bring a significant improvement in competitiveness for hotels, guesthouses and small and medium-sized businesses in the kulmbach district "because a strong network infrastructure is the decisive raw material for growth, jobs and prosperity in the region in the digital age".

Very good supply

Vodafone already offers comprehensive mobile coverage with voice services in the kulmbach district: in the populated areas, the approximately 30 existing mobile sites provide outdoor coverage for over 99 percent of the population.

Vodafone also already provides mobile broadband coverage with the latest LTE mobile communications technology to over 91 percent of households in the district. Independent tests by specialist magazines such as chip, computerbild and connect have confirmed the overall good to very good quality of the vodafone network. But all this is not a reason to rest. There’s still work to be done in the kulmbach district, too: there are white spots, especially in mobile phone reception inside buildings and in LTE coverage.

Vodafone therefore launches its next mobile communications expansion stage with the commissioning of the new LTE station in mainleus. Another construction project is planned for 2019 and 2020. Vodafone will build completely new mobile radio stations, install LTE technology at existing mobile radio sites for the first time and install additional antennas at existing sites

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