Cowbell alarm and gulle stench: court hands down verdict – aigner sees tradition in danger

cowbell alarm and gulle stench: court hands down verdict - aigner sees tradition in danger

The cowbells in holzkirchen are allowed to continue ringing. The higher regional court (OLG) in munich on wednesday rejected the complaint of a local resident.

For years, a couple in the upper bavarian town has felt disturbed by the bells of a farmer’s cow in the neighboring pasture and wants to take legal action to put an end to the ringing.

Charly volland received the cross for special merits

Charly volland received the cross for special merits

Karl volland, better known as charly, has been a member of the mochsondheim fire department since 1973. Now he has been honored for his commitment: the honorary district fire chief has been awarded the cross of merit for special services to the fire department. Government president eugen ehmann presented the award this friday morning in wurzburg.

According to a press release from the government of lower franconia, the 61-year-old from monchsondheim was district fire chief from 1989 to 2019, and since 1. April 2019 he is honorary district fire chief in the district of kitzingen. Volland says that during his 30 years as district fire chief, the training of the active firefighters entrusted to his care has been a special concern.

Beer and sweat love in streams

Sunday is the 63. Kulmbach beer week comes to an end. While the guests sweat in midsummer temperatures, there is no reason to complain at the kulmbacher brewery. "We had a very hot and very nice beer week with a very good attendance", emphasizes michael schmid, who is responsible for the organization, and draws a more than satisfactory conclusion.

Schmidt also said that the new features were very well received. The kellerweizen and the naturradler had exactly met the taste of the guests. "We even had to produce more for the nature cyclist."

Children from unterschleichach perform at the circus

children from Unterschleichach perform at the circus

In front of a huge audience, the children juggled, balanced, spun plates, rode unicycles, flew diabolos, hit wheels, built pyramids and played clowns.

For the first time such a circus workshop was offered in the vacation program of the municipality of oberaurach and the echo confirmed the youth representatives that this was a good step. The lauenburger circus, known in the district because it regularly sets up its winter camp in the municipality of wonfurt, has often been a guest in unterschleichach and also in kirchaich. Most of the vacation children were already spectators in the blue-red tent. It was a great challenge to be able to do the circus ourselves now.

German government sees need for billions in protective masks

German government sees need for billions in protective masks

In view of the corona crisis, the federal government sees a need for billions of protective masks. In order to become less dependent on china, the establishment and expansion of the production of medical protective equipment in germany should be pushed forward.

After a meeting of the corona cabinet in berlin on thursday, economics minister peter altmaier (CDU) said that germany would need several billion euros within months for all types of masks, from simple everyday masks to special masks for medical personnel. The demand will increase permanently and will remain high for a long time. Masks and other protective equipment are currently in short supply worldwide, prices have risen immensely.

Iron rose awarded in the coburg district

Iron rose awarded in the coburg district

Sandstone that blends perfectly into modern building structures, centuries-old half-timbering that has been brought back to life, and an ensemble of buildings that is unique in the coburg region – that's how the three winners of the iron rose, who were honored yesterday by the county of coburg, could be described in a nutshell.
Commitment, courage and perseverance are equally appropriate associations for the people who have dared to renovate old buildings, modernize them and put them to modern use. Three award winners could not have been more different from each other.

Stable house in untersiemau
One of them is the lorenzen family from untersiemau. Your house is around 120 years old and has been in the family for the same length of time. From the outside it looks like a smart new building. Only when the doves cross the threshold of the tower and the old sandstone floor and walls form an architectural symbiosis with the new structural elements, can you see why the iron rose was awarded here.

Miss glamourface from schonbrunn gets married

Miss glamourface from schonbrunn gets married

In the end, it wasn’t enough for helena demid to win the title of miss glamourface world 2018, which went to russian tatjana genrich. But german title holder helena demid could at least enjoy the title of europe queen at the world final in berlin. "It was very international, with a total of 22 girls competing.", recalls the 24-year-old from schonbrunn. After three rounds (traditional costume, designer dress and own evening gown) the decision was made. Helena demid would have liked to win, but is happy about the great experiences and encounters during the week in berlin. In addition to various photo shoots, there is also a career change for the schonbrunnerin, she changes to the personnel department of a company in stegaurach.

And now a very special day in the life of the model is coming up on saturday. She marries her longtime companion markus and will in the future bear the last name dorn. He proposed to her in october in the maldives. The church wedding is to follow in july. So even without the miss-glamourface-world-title it was definitely a year helena demid will always remember.

Schardt to the world championship title with spare rifle

Schardt to the world championship title with spare rifle

In this sport, it is not only a good eye and a steady hand that count. "The light and wind conditions also play an important role", female alexander schardt, who has been active for six years. When organizing a competition, the aim is always to set the animal targets as close as possible to the natural habitat of their "living models" to position. Alexander came to field target through his father matthias, who also devotes himself with great enthusiasm to this relatively new pushing sport.

The "wolf-creek-field-target-shooting-club" ebern is the sporting home of the two pfaffendorfers. For alexander, taking part in the four-day world championship was an unforgettable experience. But he did not get it for free. To be allowed to represent the german colors, the 17-year-old first had to prove himself in the qualifying shootout. 295 shooters from 27 nations competed in the world championships organized by the ebern club. "I was a bit excited", the young pfaffendorfer confesses.

Happy 80th birthday., max ottinger!

Happy 80th birthday., max ottinger!

Max ottinger (pictured with great-granddaughter maxima) celebrated his 80th birthday in schwarzach on tuesday. Birthday. In his younger days, he scored many a goal as a left-footed defender for the spvgg munsterschwarzach/gerlachshausen team, and he has remained fit to this day.

On his trim bike, he reels off kilometer after kilometer in bad weather. "We used to have a great camaraderie," he remembers of the "old" squad, which advanced to the then B class. After the games, the audience sang together and max ottinger played the harmonica. No wonder there was a brand-new harmonica on the table with the birthday gifts.