Schardt to the world championship title with spare rifle

Schardt to the world championship title with spare rifle

In this sport, it is not only a good eye and a steady hand that count. "The light and wind conditions also play an important role", female alexander schardt, who has been active for six years. When organizing a competition, the aim is always to set the animal targets as close as possible to the natural habitat of their "living models" to position. Alexander came to field target through his father matthias, who also devotes himself with great enthusiasm to this relatively new pushing sport.

The "wolf-creek-field-target-shooting-club" ebern is the sporting home of the two pfaffendorfers. For alexander, taking part in the four-day world championship was an unforgettable experience. But he did not get it for free. To be allowed to represent the german colors, the 17-year-old first had to prove himself in the qualifying shootout. 295 shooters from 27 nations competed in the world championships organized by the ebern club. "I was a bit excited", the young pfaffendorfer confesses.

Rifle broke down
And the world cup would have been over for him by a hair before it had even begun. "Shortly before the start of the competition, my rifle broke", schardt recalls with a serious look. Luckily, another competitor let him keep his spare rifle. Nevertheless, it was a big change for the up-and-coming talent: "after all, you're used to your own rifle. You know it and you know how it reacts".
Despite all the adversities, things could not have gone better for the upper franconian. He completed three consistent rounds of 24, 20 and 21 hits, which finally won him the world championship title in the youth class with 65 points. The young pfaffendorfer's outstanding athletic performance was rewarded with a winner's trophy, a certificate – and a new air rifle.


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