Ottfried fischer:munich is going down the drain

Ottfried fischer:munich is going down the drain

Cabaret artist and actor ottfried fischer (64, "der bulle von tolz") doesn’t miss munich one bit. For the past year, he has been living in passau, where he inherited his grandparents’ townhouse and had it renovated.

In his view, the state capital is not developing to its advantage. "When i meet munich people, the first thing i find out is which pub is going to close again."

With every pub, a piece of home is missing again. Munich is increasingly made up of homeless people because the places that were home have been destroyed. "It’s just the way it is that our munich is going down the drain. A new munich is being built, but it’s no longer our munich."

He has no regrets about moving to passau. This "back to the roots" idea also plays a role in his new book. "Going back to where you never thought you’d want to go again. And then you also have to make the experience that it was the right decision."Moreover, people from munich always came to visit or colleagues stopped by for a drink after a gig in town, he said. "I am happy when someone comes. That was always very funny, witty and entertaining."


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