The indoor swimming pool is still not off the table

While the supporters gather forces, mayor helmut blank wants legal certainty for the demolition decision. He will let the city council decide on the awarding of the contract.

After the 12. December the city council sealed the fate of munnerstadt’s indoor swimming pool by majority vote, but the matter is far from off the table. In a letter sent by the chairman of the burgerbad munnerstadt association, wolfgang blumlein, and signed by "der vorstand" signed letter, the club’s leadership once again addresses the issue. In doing so, the authors underline the tenor of a newspaper commentary, after the topic has become a literal pain in the neck for many people and it was time that a decision was made. "The issue is also getting on our nerves! The question is whether this is a reason to simply take things for granted now", states in the letter.

Building committee informed in the city forest

How can the town forest of bad kissingen be made fit for the future?? Especially when he has several tasks to perform? It is supposed to filter and store drinking water, clean the air, prevent soil erosion, open up recreational areas and, last but not least, provide wood for a wide variety of uses from firewood to the finest veneer and precious woods. However, if you take a closer look, you can see that the forest is gradually coming into crisis due to the warming of the climate, because various tree species are having problems adapting to the changed conditions.

"How can the bad kissingen municipal forest be made fit for the future??" Was the only topic on the agenda of the building committee, which had gone to the forest on tuesday afternoon to visit and discuss on site models of maintenance thinning and forest conversion. Forestry director wilhelm schmalen from the state forestry administration of bad bruckenau and city forester alexander maunz presented the first measures and possibilities for further steps on the basis of three example areas in the vicinity of reiterswiesen and arnshausen.

Streitberg home manager still has a lot planned

Streitberg home manager still has a lot planned

Alexandra dauer from heinersreuth near bayreuth has been the home manager of the streitberger martin luther senior center, the frankische schweiz ebermannstadt senior center and the lindenhof dementia center in unterleinleiter for a year now. She often commutes back and forth between the three facilities, but her main office is in streitberg.

The 42-year-old psychologist says she has not regretted for a second that she applied for this job at the time. Her first day at work was just a rose monday. On this day, the carnival society "narrenkubel" from gobweinstein performed at the senior citizens' home in streitberg. The carnival medal that hangs on the bulletin board above dauer's desk still bears witness to this today.
"I'm actually a carnival buff. But it's quite remarkable what the guards achieve," says dauer, alexandra dauer remembers their appearance a good year ago.

Banking supervision divides europe

Banking supervision divides europe

He referred to the decisions of the EU summit at the end of june, which stipulates that negotiations must be concluded by the end of 2012. German finance minister wolfgang schauble, however, interprets the decisions of the heads of state and government differently. The summit decision only talks about a review of the commission’s proposals by the end of the year. "We have complied with the request, we have already reviewed it"."

The supervisory authority is to be based at the european central bank (ECB) and, in the final stage, will control 6,000 money houses in the 17 euro countries. It is also the prerequisite for ailing institutions to be able to access loans directly from the euro rescue fund. The plans for a banking union, which would include not only banking supervision but also a common deposit guarantee fund, were only presented by the EU commission on wednesday.

German handball players before the world championship: a balancing act of goose bumps and tactics

german handball players before the world championship: a balancing act of goose bumps and tactics

On the very first evening of the world championship preparation, the team’s captain patrick wiencek got goose bumps, according to his own statement.

On friday evening in barsinghausen, the german handball players swore themselves in for the upcoming world championship at home (10. Up to 27. January) a. "Now we all know: that’s it, we’re done – we can now concentrate fully on the world cup," said wiencek of THW kiel in the small town of lower saxony just 30 kilometers southwest of hanover.

Austria in partial lockdown as of tuesday

austria in partial lockdown as of tuesday

Austria severely restricts public life because of an imminent overload of intensive care in the corona crisis.

Gastronomy and almost the entire range of cultural and leisure activities will be closed, and throughout the country people will only be allowed to leave their homes between 8 p.M. And 6 a.M. For certain purposes – but also for recreation outdoors. "From tuesday 3. November 0 o’clock, by the end of november there will be a second lockdown in austria," said chancellor sebastian kurz (ovp) on saturday in vienna.

Internship abroad: iphofen meets ireland

Internship abroad: iphofen meets ireland

Unthinkable now, but still possible before lockdown and border closures: an internship abroad. Marie wintzheimer from iphofen still had the opportunity to do so. She worked in ireland. Not for the first time, the 20-year-old was immersed in a different culture. When she was in tenth grade, she lived with a host family in france for three months and went to school there. Marie likes to live abroad for a longer period of time. "Only then can you really get to know the foreign culture and develop personally." She is now in her fifth semester of cultural studies at the university in passau. Wintzheimer worked for three months at the german-irish chamber of commerce in dublin, the capital of ireland.

Insights into the irish working world

Wintzheimer was in the accounting department of the german business representative office in ireland. On her very first day, she learned that dressing smartly in the office is very important. It’s not quite as relaxed as it is in germany: "jeans and a dark sweater are not enough." It started at nine in the morning and lasted until five in the evening. She was able to apply a lot of theory from her studies, but the interns also had to work out some things for themselves: "my boss placed a lot of value on independence and that was a good thing too." The hierarchy at work is somewhat more pronounced in ireland than in germany. Questions were always answered gladly, but only by the right contact person.

The “blessed” are hammering away

The 'blessed' are hammering away

Josef hofbauer "haisd ‘n daisd", huben or druben, the six spabvogel of the cult band from lower franken, who can look back on 20 years on stage, are always on the right side. With more than a dozen instruments or a capella they inspire their audience also in the eggerbachhalle.

But without good throats there is nothing at all. It was probably not without ulterior motives that they chose "hol den wein" as the opening song of their "best of tour" "fetch the wine. A message that got through.

Entertaining foretaste of “bamberg zaubert”

entertaining foretaste of

The fox kick-off gala has never been so prominently attended. High-profile guests such as german chancellor angela merkel, udo lindenberg, karl lagerfeld, horst schlammer and many others were drawn to the keilberth hall of the konzerthalle on wednesday evening. Of course only imaginary – but real imitation of the "man of 1000 voices": jorg hammerschmidt. He not only slipped from one prominent role to the next in a matter of seconds, he also acted as emcee during the two-and-a-half-hour variety gala. Besides his voice imitations he showed himself as a joke teller and passionate sanger. And several times in the evening hammerschmidt combined his gifts and loved for example jose carreras singing in duet with julio iglesias.

In addition, the duo "the farellos", among others, provided amusement and good entertainment. The "cleaning woman with their athletic partner they hopped up and down on their unicycle as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Contortionist bends in airy heights

Sube secrets aired

Sube secrets aired

Michelau beekeeper gerhard pohl initiated a group of children from the sophienheim kindergarten into the sube secret of honey extraction.
The most important preparatory work is, of course, done by the bees, the little ones learned, as they first had a look at the beehive with their two teachers. Completely inadvertently, of course, as the bees outside the barn were intently engaged in their collecting activity.
"What to do when you get stung by a bee?", was an important question, and also for the educators it was new that you should flick away the bee sting with one finger and not pull it out with two fingers. Otherwise even more poison gets into the body. The actual honey extraction then begins with the opening of the combs and the spinning out of the honey.
The kids were also allowed to turn the crank of the centrifuge and observe the rotation of the honeycombs. Finally, there was a tasting of the delicious honey, a natural product, just like the kind you can buy from local beekeepers.