Fast forward through 100 years of german history

This year, the theater "the baumann" will be round off with a special production. On the dot to the 100. Birthday of the arbeiterwohlfahrt on 13. December 100 years are shown in fast forward. So it goes "fast forward through the story. It will be shown at the cineplex kulmbach, on friday 13. December, at 19.30 o'clock and on saturday, 14. December, at 2 p.M.

A century in one evening. Is that possible? After all, there was a lot going on between 1919 and 2019. But yes, we can do it! In this stucco, like at a party, the best conversations take place in the kitchen. This is where the interesting people meet. While bosses and state leaders cunningly hoodwinked each other at the fine dining table, there is plain talk at the cooking pot.

Interesting and tragic are some mistakes. For example, a resolute cake-maker in the 1929 scene says of the national socialists: "well, you don't have to take them seriously. They will disappear, just like so many other weirdos who have been around in the last few years." and in 1949, a young follower of socialism, drawn from kulmbach to weimar, is certain: "in a few years, everyone will want to join us. Whether we will still let you in?"

The happening of the rough politics plays however only a supporting role in the stucco. It is more the everyday phenomena that matter. In 1929, it's hard to believe that cars can race through the area at an incredible 60 kilometers per hour. 1959 a young woman melts at the sight of a black-haired and dark-eyed guest worker. 1969 a mother falls from the clouds when her daughter presents herself to her as a hippie – and pregnant, too. 1999 the millenium bug is expected like the end of the world.

Exactly on 13. December 1919 the arbeiterwohlfahrt was founded by marie juchacz. People's cakes were an essential offer right from the start. Others followed and are still the answer to society's ever-changing needs today. Technique, fashions, visions, fears and joys swirl in the current of time. That's why "fast forward" is extremely varied and sometimes quite biting.

30 people will bring the scenes to life and a live band will liven up the booth with music from 100 years ago. Of course, the canvas will also come into its own. Rudiger baumann wrote the play for the 100th anniversary of awo. It was shown once before in summer, but spectators and participants thought it was too good to mothball. There is just too much life, humor and surprise in it.

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