Before giro triumph: nibali also wins on 20. Stage

Before giro triumph: nibali also wins on 20. Stage

The sicilian defended his title with the win of the penultimate stage of the 96th edition of the race. He has won the pink jersey for the entire 210 kilometers of the giro d’italia and will start his triumphant ride on sunday towards brescia, where this year’s tour of italy will end, with a lead of 4:43 minutes over the colombian rider rigoberto uran.

The 20 stage, which was decided due to bad weather conditions, had to be. Stage, which started in schlanders, was won single-handedly by nibali. The 28-year-old had pulled away from the competition on the final climb up to the three peaks and won the race 17 and 19 seconds ahead of the two colombians fabio andres duarte and uran respectively. Uran knocked former tour de france winner cadel evans (5:52 minutes back) from second place in the overall standings.

Coburg doubts the kronach campus

Coburg doubts the kronach campus

Years passed from the first thought of a lucas cranach campus to the announcement of its launch (scheduled for 2021). All the basic developments have been discussed, planned and reported in newspaper articles. The project has been put on hold. Nevertheless, a letter now brings a very skeptical tone to the final preparations. The sender: the student council from coburg. Your university wants to get involved in the cronach campus.

The four signatories admit that there is a shortage of space at both university campuses in coburg. They also show openness to new ways in the future orientation of their educational institution. And they think that the kronach concept – a partnership with different universities – can demand encounter and exchange.

Devastating forest fire in colorado

Devastating forest fire in colorado

The two fatalities were probably in the process of fleeing and were surprised by the rapidly spreading flames, police said. The dead were found in the garage next to the packed car, as the local newspaper "denver post" writes. The house was razed to the ground by the flames.

In addition, 360 homes were destroyed in the black forest near the town of colorado springs, according to the sheriff of the municipality of el paso, terry maketa. 38,000 people had to leave their homes. The fire broke out on tuesday and spread in a flash. Drought, strong winds and high temperatures complicate the situation. The cause of the fire initially remained unclear.

A ray of hope for the leg house in habfurt

A ray of hope for the leg house in habfurt

It still looks a bit shabby, the leg house in habfurt. No wonder: for centuries it was more or less left to its own devices, a few touch-ups here and there from time to time. Now the over 500-year-old building is to be spruced up and turned into a documentation center for the neighboring knight's chapel.

"The old fabric of the building will be preserved as much as possible", says dag schroder, the schweinfurt architect who was also responsible for the multi-million dollar renovation of the knights' chapel (completed in 2010), which took about four years to complete.

Bavarians break off night crocodile hunt

Bavarians break off night crocodile hunt

Until then there had been no indication of a crocodile. 70 forces were involved in the search in the darkness. From six rowboats they had illuminated the shore of the middle klausen lake.

Now photo traps are to be set up on the shore. "We hope to get pictures of the animal with them," said mulzer. If there is no evidence of a crocodile by the weekend, the closure of the lake will be lifted.

Mesch moves to jena: “time to say goodbye”

Mesch moves to jena: 'time to say goodbye'

She’s taking a big step: hannah mesch, the region’s most talented women’s soccer player, is moving from FC coburg to FF USV jena in the B-junior bundesliga for the second half of the season. The exceptional gymnast, who has just turned 15, is thus consistently pursuing her major sporting goal.

"I definitely want to play in the women’s national league one day. Maybe the national team is also possible", says hannah, who grew up in the drossenhausen suburb of meede, with healthy self-confidence, which she has every reason to have as an U15 national player.

Thousands demonstrate against euro bailout

The free voters party and several associated organizations demonstrated against the euro bailout fund at a rally in munich on saturday. In his speech "against ESM and extremism" hubert aiwanger, chairman of the free voters in the federal and state governments and leader of the parliamentary group in the state parliament of bavaria, spoke out in front of around 1,000 participants against speculators, but at the same time for a europe open to the world and against extremism. The free voters had specially expanded their slogan after the npd had announced its support in the protest against the bailout fund.

The rally was supposed to be the start of a campaign against the euro bailout, with which aiwanger also wants to gain federal political ground for the free voters. Key demands of the party, which plans to run in the 2013 federal elections for the first time, include regulation of the banks, no assumption of the consequential costs of financial speculation by the taxpayer, and a reversal of the increasing centralization of the economic and financial markets in the hands of a few. Aiwanger on saturday explicitly defended the greek citizens: "the greeks are the first victims of a policy in which all hats are dropped."

Painters are training more apprentices again

painters are training more apprentices again

There can hardly be any talk of quiet time on the construction site this winter. The mild weather and full order books mean that the painters in the habberge district are also busy now. Nevertheless, about 20 companies, or rather their masters, took the time to spend a few hours with their colleagues at the country hotel in rugheim.
The head of the painters’ guild, michael ott from burgpreppach, used the opportunity to announce happy news and to present an award. Master painter erwin von der forst from pfarrweisach, who works worldwide as an expert in the special fields of concrete technology and concrete repair as well as for drinking water and wastewater systems, received his master’s certificate 40 years ago. This jubilee was honored by michael ott, also in the absence of the jubilarian. "He is also active in the crisis regions of this world", the head master explained to the assembled masters. "It can also happen that the plants he builds are no longer standing a week after completion."
The jubilarian would have been happy to come and accept the honor himself, but he had to cancel for scheduling reasons. "But we will present him with the award later", promised ott.
He thanked two other members of the guild. Paul berchtold from zeil had been deputy foreman for a long time, but had made his post available at the last elections in spring 2017. "For all the honest help and support I would like to thank you now." With these words ott presented his former deputy with a bocksbeutel as a present.

With advice and action

Ott also thanked master painter willi stappenbacher from trossenfurt on behalf of the chamber of crafts for lower franconia, who has trained an average of at least three apprentices per year since he received his master craftsman’s certificate in 1978. In these 40 years, around 140 apprentices have been trained. And even though the company is now run by his son matthias, the senior is always on hand to provide help and advice wherever he can. "You really are a deserving trainer, and as such we have reported you to the chamber of crafts for an honor, ott paid tribute to the valued colleague.
The situation in the field of training is encouraging. After a decline in the number of apprentices in the guild’s companies in recent years, this year for the first time they again have 16 apprentices in their first year of training. Among them in the meantime also one or the other "apprentice" with a migration background. When asked about these trainees, some masters explained that often only refugees apply. And since the industry wants to train, the decision to train a refugee is an obvious one. So far, their experience has been overwhelmingly positive. According to the statements, there are always problems of understanding, also because of the differences in mentality and culture, but it is possible to work with them. For the master craftsmen, the most important criterion when considering whether to hire an apprentice with a migrant background is not only the craftsman’s skill but also the applicant’s knowledge of the language. Kb

Caring for others

Caring for others

The thank-you party one day before the international day of volunteers was used by third mayor thomas nowak as an opportunity to express his thanks to the many volunteers in the city of coburg. This year marks the 200th anniversary. Birthday and also the 125th. Anniversary of the death of duke ernst II. Celebrated, recalled the third mayor thomas nowak and told of the special significance of the duke for coburg. He told of duke ernst, because it is always good to learn something new or refresh what you know, nowak said. "We can once again proudly claim that the first voluntary movements with national significance came from coburg, such as the sangerbund, the schutzenbund and the gymnasts." Duke ernst II. Were not necessarily thrilled, according to the literature, that there was a movement toward co-determination and democracy. Nowak: "but he could not change it. So the duke helped to shape the change." And today the volunteers are also helping to shape the changes, nowak emphasized.

People involved in refugee and migration work were at the thank-you party. That is why nowak said: "the world has changed for us in coburg with the new co-burgers. You, dear volunteers, are helping to shape life with the new ones. But life has also changed for the newcomers to coburg, and they are helping those affected to find their way in these new circumstances."