Caring for others

Caring for others

The thank-you party one day before the international day of volunteers was used by third mayor thomas nowak as an opportunity to express his thanks to the many volunteers in the city of coburg. This year marks the 200th anniversary. Birthday and also the 125th. Anniversary of the death of duke ernst II. Celebrated, recalled the third mayor thomas nowak and told of the special significance of the duke for coburg. He told of duke ernst, because it is always good to learn something new or refresh what you know, nowak said. "We can once again proudly claim that the first voluntary movements with national significance came from coburg, such as the sangerbund, the schutzenbund and the gymnasts." Duke ernst II. Were not necessarily thrilled, according to the literature, that there was a movement toward co-determination and democracy. Nowak: "but he could not change it. So the duke helped to shape the change." And today the volunteers are also helping to shape the changes, nowak emphasized.

People involved in refugee and migration work were at the thank-you party. That is why nowak said: "the world has changed for us in coburg with the new co-burgers. You, dear volunteers, are helping to shape life with the new ones. But life has also changed for the newcomers to coburg, and they are helping those affected to find their way in these new circumstances."

Furthermore, the chairmen of the coburg burgers’ associations were invited to. They mediate between the city of coburg and the burgers. The social affairs officer said to them: "we are grateful that they moderate change processes and help to shape these changes with their ideas." Nowak also had a few words to say to the self-help volunteers. They cared for people whose lives had often changed because of a disease diagnosis. He could feel this personally, because a diagnosis at the beginning of the year had also changed the course of his life.

He was able to "show the colorful diversity of the volunteers who are here today", but it would go beyond the scope of this article. On behalf of the city of coburg and the mayor norbert tessmer, the city councillors and the entire city administration, nowak expressed his sincere thanks to the volunteers for the work they had done. Thomas nowak ended his speech with a quote from the roman statesman marcus tullius cicero: "no debt is more urgent than that of giving thanks." Walter dorn provided the musical accompaniment for the evening, and sabine feuerbach-heim read the story "a contemplative yoga lesson". Desombre


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