Six tips for the future

Six tips for the future

Only the future will tell where the journey will take the eight nursing service managers who have recently completed their management course at caritas. This is what seminar leader norbert grundhofer, who accompanied the participants for a year and a half, said at the farewell party.

In his speech, grundhofer addressed, among other things, the question of why many new appointments to leadership positions in nursing fail within the first year. "Different ideas and expectations of the stakeholders may play a role. Without a doubt, structural deficits in our supply systems also play a role. And perhaps it is also due to the lack of safety on the road for the driving force."

Municipality honored its deserving athletes

The athletes of the DLRG kups were dominant at the honor evening of the municipality kups. 14 individual athletes who achieved supraregional successes were honored by the DLRG. Mayor bernd rebhan (CSU) said that the sporting achievements should be honored in front of an appropriate audience. For this reason, the previous sportsmen's award ceremony was transformed into an honorary evening dedicated to the entire voluntary work. This event, which was held for the first time this year, is to be expanded in the coming years. The goal is to strive for an honorary award, which will be presented next year.

Election volunteers honored for the first time

The mayor was pleased to be able to bury a high-ranking representative of the government, thomas engel, vice president of the government. He mentioned the many points of contact, which serve the common goal of bringing the market community forward. Volunteer election workers were honored for the first time at the awards evening. In the first part, 13 women and men were honored who regularly volunteer as election helpers in nationwide elections. In kups, around 80 election workers are needed for such elections, said bernd rebhan. In municipal elections, there are about half as many more people to ensure that the elections run smoothly.

Karzai wants earlier nato withdrawal: reserved reactions

Karzai wants earlier nato withdrawal: reserved reactions

"Both sides must work together to stop the handover process from the international forces to the afghan forces in 2013 instead of 2014," karsai announced in kabul on thursday.

In germany and the united states as well as nato, however, he met with a reserved reaction. Washington does not want to put all responsibility for security in the hands of afghan troops until 2014, as planned, said weiben house spokesman jay carney. That was president barack obama’s strategy, he said, "and it will be adhered to.". In 2013, however, the U.S. Military is to switch to a "supporting role" in the hindu kush.

Stadtsteinach city councilors say: “this is blackmail!”

Stadtsteinach city councilors say: 'this is blackmail!'

"This is blackmail!" Such clear criticism of the government from the spokespersons of all factions is the exception rather than the rule in the stadtsteinach city council. The displeasure is directed against a condition that is linked to the granting of a new stabilization aid. The city no longer has to adjust its property tax A and B as well as its trade tax to the state average rate, as in previous years, but must charge its burghers and tradesmen ten percent more than the state average. 30000 euros in total for all three types of taxes. The owners of an average home with a garden will pay 6 euros more per year.

It’s not a huge sum, but the burden is rising creepingly from year to year. A development that the council does not want for its municipality.

Vdk celebrates its 70th anniversary.

The vdk windheim celebrated its 70th anniversary. On 1. December 1947 the first chairman josef martin founded the vdk windheim under conditions with an exceptional permission of the american occupation forces.
To the 70. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, chairman joe trebes was able to bury mayor thomas loffler and district chairman heinz hausmann, in addition to many members, friends and guests of the vdk. The girl band vanessa, hannah and annika framed with their music pieces "deep in the frankenwald or the "oberfrankenlied the successful event.
Chairman trebes looks back on 70 years of service. Through intensive research, supported above all by secretary antonie schneider and the support of the kronach district association, it was possible to reconstruct the chairmanships of the last seven decades.
In the chairman's presentation, not only were d his predecessors remembered, but also the 2. Chairwoman, the treasurer and secretary. Similarly, from 1947 until the end of the 1970s, there was a brain injury caregiver. The position of survivors' counselor, which also belonged to the board, was no longer filled as of 1993. But in the same year, the women's advisor joined the board of directors.
Chairman joe trebes thanked for the good cooperation in the now complete board with second chairman karoline loffler, treasurer diana stein, secretary antonie schneider and also the women's representative ursula trebes.
The spirit of the times is also evident here. In the first executive committee in 1947, only members were active as volunteers. Agnes trebes joined the board as treasurer for the first time in 1964. Today there are four women on the board, in addition to a single man.
In his laudatory speech, district chairman heinz hausmann spoke about the origins and the social idea behind the founding of the vdk. In the aftermath of "hour 0, when millions of germans were on the run, missing or still in captivity, courageous men founded the vdk, the association for war victims.
This is also how the regional association was founded in 1946 and the district association of kronach in 1947. However, the windheimer ortsverband was one of the first to come to life.
Thanks to the more than 70 years of peace, the vdk then became unmanned in the 90s in social association vdk. This still helps.
More than eight percent of the bavarian population is organized in the vdk. Due to its strength, the vdk is also able to have an important say in politics.
Hausmann thanked for the loyalty to the association and wished the entire board team windheim continued success in its active club life.

Social component

The mayor praised above all the social component of the vdk. Most people living today know only the state of peace. Thanks to far-sighted and prudent decisions – especially those of the post-war governments – there has been peace in this country for over 70 years. A state of affairs that has not existed in germany for centuries. He commended the vdk for the association's importance to the community. The volunteers provided an indispensable benefit and social commitment for the general public.
The well-attended anniversary celebration ended with coffee and cake, which – once again – was baked and donated by the women of the vdk. 

Gb: majority thinks government response too slow

Gb: majority thinks government response too slow

Two-thirds of brits believe the government in london has waited too long to introduce contact restrictions. This is the result of a survey conducted by the opinion research institute ipsos mori.

According to the survey, 66 percent of britons now believe that the government has been too. In a survey two weeks ago, the proportion was 57 percent. The survey was conducted between 24. And 27. April about 1000 adult british.

Teenager blinds helicopter with laser – and gets police visit

Teenager blinds helicopter with laser - and gets police visit

"As nakedly as the ubeltater attacked the helicopter, so nakedly did the crew chase back the beam," police reported.

Her advantage: the control stick was in the hands of one of her colleagues, because it was a service helicopter. Its pilot on friday night relayed to colleagues on the ground the address from which the laser beam had come, according to his observation.

“Diversity and unity” in the synagogue

Since saturday the exhibition "diversity and unity" is on display in the kronach synagogue to see. The kronach patchwork and quilting group once again shows off its textile treasures.

For 17 years, the kronach patchwork and quilting group has been fronting their wonderful hobby with monthly meetings at the evangelisches gemeindehaus (protestant parish hall). The creative ladies have already opened their "treasure chest" three times of textile treasures, to present them at exhibitions to a broad public. Since the last exhibition in 2015, the group has again been very busy and a series of impressive one-of-a-kind pieces has been created. A selection of these will be available by 14. July on view at the kronach synagogue. Some of the "goodies" shown from fabric this time also contain non-textile material. At least ten different textile techniques are used in the others. That’s why the exhibition’s motto is "diversity and unity".

Ig metall also with more members in 2012

Ig metall also with more members in 2012

They also want to recruit more women for IG metall. For more details, however, a union spokeswoman on monday referred to the press conference on organizational issues in january.

Huber told the "frankfurter allgemeine sonntagszeitung": "we will have a high plus in members in 2012 – significantly more members than at the end of the year."The union may have benefited from the largely stable economic situation in its core industries and its commitment to the interests of temporary workers. IG metall has also reallocated 20 million euros to regional administrative offices to recruit members. Like other groborganizations, it is fighting the demographic trend that fewer and fewer young people are joining the workforce.

Brain hemorrhage – and then?

The schon- klink addresses the issue in the lecture series "health talks on thursday, 14. Marz, with the intensive care after stroke and brain hemorrhage. The speaker will be dr. Christian sparenberg, senior physician in charge of the neurological intensive care unit, schon-klinik bad staffelstein.

How good the chances of successful rehabilitation after a brain hemorrhage can be is shown by the story of susanne D. She was in a coma in an acute hospital for three long weeks and also spent the first days in the neurological intensive care unit in the schon hospital. "I have no memory of that time", says susanne D. She is now looking ahead and wants to work hard to get back on her feet after her transfer from the neurological fruhreha ward to the normal ward.D. After the cerebral hemorrhage he is paralyzed on one side, has little strength in his body and no feeling in the left side of his face. A comprehensive program of medical care and individual therapies is designed to give her back control over herself. Neurorehabilitative intensive care is a complex, multidisciplinary and multiprofessional treatment concept that requires a lot of know-how. Only special facilities meet these requirements. Dr. Sparenberg will present this concept on the basis of the therapy offer of the schon-clinic bad staffelstein and illustrate it with fictitious cases.