Ig metall also with more members in 2012

Ig metall also with more members in 2012

They also want to recruit more women for IG metall. For more details, however, a union spokeswoman on monday referred to the press conference on organizational issues in january.

Huber told the "frankfurter allgemeine sonntagszeitung": "we will have a high plus in members in 2012 – significantly more members than at the end of the year."The union may have benefited from the largely stable economic situation in its core industries and its commitment to the interests of temporary workers. IG metall has also reallocated 20 million euros to regional administrative offices to recruit members. Like other groborganizations, it is fighting the demographic trend that fewer and fewer young people are joining the workforce.

In 2011, however, IG metall achieved a turnaround and had 6172 more members at the end of the year than at the beginning. Exactly 2,245,760 people were members of the union led by huber and detlef wetzel at the end of 2011. Of the remaining DGB unions, only the smaller "civil servants’ unions" for police and teachers had also recorded increases.


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