Bamberg believes the silver madonna will be followed
Rooty scent filled the packed st. James church. Many men and women had brought herb bushes with them, which are traditionally used for the feast of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary to be bound and blessed. Although it was not so easy this year to look for herbs in the wild: "everything has dried up," laughed christine neubauer, christine neubauer from tutschengereuth, for example, regretted that she had put together a bunch of her own watered garden: peppermint, clover, golden rue, thyme and blood drop made a handsome bouquet. "It’s going to be in the house all year", laughed christine neubauer.
400 years of sodality
For them it was not only a pious duty to attend the festive service with auxiliary bishop herwig gossl. "I am in the sodalitat, already my parents-in-law were members", the tutschengereuther paid off. The marianische herren- und burgersodalitat bamberg, a catholic lay association with currently 330 members, was already confirmed by rome in 1618. Exists now for exactly 400 years and celebrated on the occasion of this anniversary their titular feast "maria himmelfahrt" just especially wordig.